Welcome to the Coves Water Supply Corporation website. Coves Water Supply Corporation (WSC) is a water utility created under the Texas Water Code and is made up of the Coves on Lake Travis and Reserve on Lake Travis subdivisions. The WSC's water system is comprised of twelve (12) water wells, three (3) ground storage tanks (GSTs) and one (1) booster pump station.
The WSC is operated and maintained by AWR Services, Inc., a local utility management and operations company based in Austin, Texas. If you have any questions, would like to know more about Coves WSC, or need assistance, please contact the Utility Office 24-hour service line at (512) 402-1990.
Coves Water Supply Corporation
“Our Single-Minded Focus – Safe and Reliable Water”
Click here to Download this Director's Update
Board of Directors Update March 29, 2024
The Coves WSC Board of Directors “Coves WSC “recently convened at the annual meeting to review the recent performance of the company and set goals to ensure a safe and reliable supply of water.
The Coves WSC Board of Directors voted unanimously to increase the Monthly Base Charge to $150 effective May 1, 2024. This additional revenue will fund essential infrastructure upgrades to increase water production and capacity and build a cash reserve for future improvements necessary to meet system demands.
500 N. Capital of Texas Hwy Building 1, Suite 125 Austin, TX 78746
Ground Water Irrigation and Pool Restrictions Update for The Coves
Click to Download
Effective May 3, 2024
Dear Customer:
With the current drought that Central Texas is facing, the Board of Directors will be amending the Corporation’s Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) at a future meeting. Once the amended DCP is final, we will publish it on the website.
In the meantime, due to the recent improvement of the aquifer that supplies our water, the hand-held watering restrictions for irrigation have been lifted. Customers may use automatic irrigation systems and hose-end sprinkler systems one day per-week for up to three hours. Please review the watering schedule below to find your designated watering day. In addition, the use of groundwater to fill pools is also permitted.
It is important to note that although there is some temporary reprieve, levels continue to remain lower than normal, and we may need to adjust outdoor restrictions again during the hotter months ahead. Please continue to use water conservation methods.
Addresses Ending In |
Stage 2 | |
Even Numbers | Mondays Only | |
Odd Numbers | Tuesdays Only | |
Homeowners Associations | Wednesday Only | |
WATERING SCHEDULE | Watering hours are limited to 3 hours on your designated day. No outside watering is allowed from 10 am to 7 pm. |
Before you turn on your irrigation system, please read some helpful tips below regarding drought-tolerant plants and maintaining your landscape. We all need to work together to get through the drought.
Design a Waterwise Landscape
If you are installing new plants, be sure to choose native or drought-tolerant plants. These plants require less water and maintenance. They also attract pollinators such as butterflies. Many of these plants offer colorful flowers, including but not limited to, Bat-Faced Cuphea, Desert Willow, Purple Hearts, Red Yucca and more. Search the web for expert sites that feature drought-tolerant plants for central Texas.
Consider Xeriscaping
Some of the most popular ways to have a xeriscape landscape include reducing your amount of turf space, installing drought-tolerant plants, and adding more shade elements to reduce the amount of water needed. You can also make your landscape more sustainable with mulches, an updated irrigation system, and using organic materials when possible. The xeriscape idea is all about helping your landscape thrive without much outside help, like supplemental water or maintenance. Consider drought-tolerant grasses. Ask the grass experts when choosing the type of sod you are purchasing. We also recommend planting new sod in cooler months such as October, November, and March. Never plant new plants or sod during the summer months.
Mulch is Key
Adding mulch around trees and flower/plant beds is one of the best things you can do to help keep the moisture underground with the roots. Mulch helps reduce the evaporation of water from irrigation and rainy days.
Install Water Efficient Irrigation Controllers
Smart irrigation controllers allow you to monitor your programming and water use with your phone. Most now come with soil and weather sensors so the system will not come on if it detects there is enough moisture or rain in the air. No need to waste water on days that it rains.
Install Soaker Hoses in Flower/Plant Beds
While grasses need an irrigation system, the flowers, plants, and trees can do well with soaker hoses. Soaker hoses target the areas better and use less water. And, if the drought gets worse and irrigation systems are no longer allowed, the soaker hose is a good way to help keep plants fed.
If you have any questions, please contact the District’s office at 512.402.1990.
Respectfully, The Coves Water Supply Corporation